April 25, 2014

Well, It Has Been a While Since...

Hello, friend!

I have had so many things going on for the last several months that I have not been able to catch up: from working overtime since October to current months, my mother and two sister's have been extremely sick (both sisters are doing better, mom is not very strong, we are still praying for healing) and then I had been sick. Whew, we started 2014 laid up in bed most days too weak to stand. But God has been faithful and good. Amen.

As for the overtime, I do not see when that is going to slow down nor stop anytime in the near future. Some days have been mandatory overtime while other days it is voluntary.

There is no place like Lush for pampering yourself than a facial, footwash and creaming your skin. I had the avacado mask applied to my face, the girls that were with us had the footwash and we all participated in the washing and creaming of our hands. Oh my! It was HEAVENLY and WONDERFUL! Each product has the name and picture of the person who made the product. Everything is made with natural products. They even have reservations for parties in their store after closing (that's when we did ours). We take a drive to Scottsdale to buy their products, its a bit long of a drive, but it is well worth it.

Feeling so much better after a little facial mask and massage.

I do hope you have been well since our last visit. It was good of you to stop by.