We just finished our week of prayer and fasting at our church. On the last day we partake in foot washing and communion. The Lord's blood covering our past and the new year starting off with a clean slate is what makes this week something we look forward to each year. The beauty of being clean is that I am washed and forgiven. And when the Lord looks upon my heart He does not see the sinful stains that marred my soul but He sees the blood that covers me.
There was a man who on the cusp of despair after learning that his past would be looked into closed himself in a room and began the attempt in ending his life. After many hours of breaking through the barrier of a tormented mind he wrote the song, "There is a fountain Filled with Blood". Congregations would fill the churches in England with their voice as they would sing the song that became a much sung hymnal. Perhaps, many appreciating the beautiful words as they sang, "Lose all their guilty stains" and were thankful for the blood that washed their sins away. William Cowper no longer saw failure looming before him but a "Fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins". It is a beautiful song you can listen to it here.
There was a man who on the cusp of despair after learning that his past would be looked into closed himself in a room and began the attempt in ending his life. After many hours of breaking through the barrier of a tormented mind he wrote the song, "There is a fountain Filled with Blood". Congregations would fill the churches in England with their voice as they would sing the song that became a much sung hymnal. Perhaps, many appreciating the beautiful words as they sang, "Lose all their guilty stains" and were thankful for the blood that washed their sins away. William Cowper no longer saw failure looming before him but a "Fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins". It is a beautiful song you can listen to it here.
There is a fountain Filled with Blood
Words by William Cowper (1771)
There is a fountain filled with blood,
Drawn from Emmanuel’s veins;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains,
Lose all their guilty stains,
Lose all their guilty stains,
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
Drawn from Emmanuel’s veins;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains,
Lose all their guilty stains,
Lose all their guilty stains,
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
How beautiful it is to be stainless.
This post was going to be just about the heat stain I was able to get off my table and the "How To Remove Stains on Wood" but as I saw the stain was gone and I could see the beauty of the wood with it's shine I began to appreciate that stains in my life were gone and thanked God for His blood so divine that covered me.
Who would have thought that steam could remove stains that were caused by heat in the first place? But it is true and here are the pictures. You can see the problem in using a paper plate without a place mat can really damage the beauty of wood (a lesson learned). Well, Darlene, don't fall into despair; all is not lost, just a little bit of work will get the stain right off your lovely table.
The tools are few:
An iron on steam setting, a small cotton towel, elbow grease and a few minutes. See the results in the pictures below.
Then polish the wood and add your loveliest table runner to show the shine. No one can tell that there was a stain that marred so lovely a table; only you will know there was a stain and how the stain was erased. Just like the song said, "Lose all their guilty stains" Amen.
I really appreciate that you stopped by to visit with me; it always makes me happy.
Have a wonderful and blessed year.

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