I just love pillbox hats. Jacqueline Kennedy introduced us to such a wonderful look of fashion with her little pillbox hats. She was of an elegance that our country was proud to claim and admire.

The Espinoza's enjoy going to yard sales, especially estate sales. My brother, Lupe, while on his way to Arizona, stopped at an estate sale and bought several pillbox hats for fifty cents apiece. He must have bought close to ten or twelve hats in all. He had taken them to my mother's house while I was visiting with her and when I saw this hat with all my favorite colors, cream, blues, greens and browns. I immediately exclaimed...

"You can have it", was his reply.
I quickly took out all the tissue to try it on when I saw there was an envelope inside. "Lupe, you may want to open this", I said while handing him the envelope. He began counting, one, two, three...eight crisp one hundred dollar bills. He handed one of those bills to me and two to my mom. He said he had been praying for God to help him with a certain amount of money and God gave it to him. Who would have thought that buying a hat for fifty cents would give him seven hundred ninety-nine dollars and fifty cents back in change. I like God's math because it always gets multiplied.
My dear brother, Lupe is no longer with us, but his many testimonies still live on.
Thank you for stopping by for a visit.
Wow! what an amazing God we serve! and the hat is just beautiful.