I have to admit, there are times when I do enjoy a little bit of drama. Uh, drama-tized stories, that is the drama I enjoy to hear. It all began like this...
I was convicted about what little time I put into my bible reading. I have tried for many years trying to read the bible from front to back with this bible program and that program and would not complete my goal.
In prayer I said, "Lord, I recognize my scripture reading is only developed in the church service when Pastor reads the scripture text and I and the congregation followed in our bibles. Yet, I say I love you and spend very little time getting to know what You have to say in Your Word."
I made a commitment that I would not read any literature until I have met my goal in reading the bible through. I began to read and I could not get enough reading in. If I had to do some work around the house I still wanted to finish my reading because I was learning so much about the Lord, I would even spend hours into the night trying to read more that I invested in bible cd's from Greenbacks Dollar Store.

Claude Monet
The first time I finished reading the bible through was on Easter Sunday Morning, I thought, "I did it! Now what?" I looked at my children, smiled, and said, "I am going to do it again!"
Alexandre EvaristeThe readers in my bible cd's had strong accents and made the listening so interesting that I still listen to them when I am in the car. The Internet has made it so convenient to find sites that I do not have to stop with a few cd's as before, but now I can listen to as many books as I want. On my sidebar you will see the scripture reading site Bible Gateway, listen for yourself to the bible readers, I think you will enjoy it. I have a few links to chapters I think you might enjoy listening to the dramatized version, just click on the links under the artwork.

Moses and The Crossing of The Red Sea
My bible reading was such a benefit to me, little did I know that I would face the toughest trials in my life and I was going to need the strength from the Lord I was reading so much about. And see me through, He did.

I was convicted about what little time I put into my bible reading. I have tried for many years trying to read the bible from front to back with this bible program and that program and would not complete my goal.
In prayer I said, "Lord, I recognize my scripture reading is only developed in the church service when Pastor reads the scripture text and I and the congregation followed in our bibles. Yet, I say I love you and spend very little time getting to know what You have to say in Your Word."
I made a commitment that I would not read any literature until I have met my goal in reading the bible through. I began to read and I could not get enough reading in. If I had to do some work around the house I still wanted to finish my reading because I was learning so much about the Lord, I would even spend hours into the night trying to read more that I invested in bible cd's from Greenbacks Dollar Store.

Claude Monet
The first time I finished reading the bible through was on Easter Sunday Morning, I thought, "I did it! Now what?" I looked at my children, smiled, and said, "I am going to do it again!"

Alexandre Evariste

Moses and The Crossing of The Red Sea

The Shepherd Boy, David
http://www.biblegateway.com/audio/dramatized/kjv/1sam.17 The Upper Room
http://www.biblegateway.com/audio/dramatized/kjv/luke.22 xox
Google Resources
Artwork has each link imbedded.
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