I love soft and pretty. I love pink. I love flowers. I love being feminine. I love being treated like a lady. I love lace. I love green grass and wrap-around verandas. I love to sit on a porch swing. I love pretty boxes and baskets. I love to put flowers in my hair. I love styled hair-dos. I love high heels. I love to speak in a soft voice. I love tea cups and dainties. I love chocolate (yes, Chocolate!) I love heart shaped large boxed chocolates. I love a dozen roses. I love being the Queen! I love being Mom, his wife (faith moves mountains) and your sister. I love wearing dresses. I am not intimidated by being a lady, I love it! It is a gift from God! "All ladies are women, but not all women are ladies" (Pastor Hyler at Ladies PSR, Fresno, Ca.)

60's Hairdo
Nanna Eva and Eva Lee
Out of the Water -The Knitting Woman by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Sophia Walker by Vie Amoureuse
Reading a Story by Jacques-Joseph Tissot (1836-1902)
Princess Grace on her wedding day.
No matter how you look at it, being a lady is singularly lovely,
wear it proudly and honor the God who made us!
Blessings,wear it proudly and honor the God who made us!

Google Resource
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Ladies Progress, Strength, and Renewal Conferance
Microsoft Free Clipart
Singularly, Being beyond what is ordinary or usual; remarkable.
Ladies Progress, Strength, and Renewal Conferance
Microsoft Free Clipart
Singularly, Being beyond what is ordinary or usual; remarkable.
I AbsoLUTEly agree!